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 No, this is not a section for selling chairs.

The Blue Armchair is dedicated to new ideas and concepts for themed entertainment, including theme parks, museums and more. Ultimately, we're trying to explore how fusing technology, architecture and storytelling can create immersive experiences that transcend space, time and emotions.

When you sit back on a comfy armchair and let your imagination soar to the unlimited reach of the blue skies, everything is possible. The name Blue Armchair comes from the playful amalgamation of 'blue-sky process' and 'armchair imagineering', both of which came from the early days of Disneyland and the dawn of the theme park industry. The Blue-sky process refers to the stage at which imagineers come up with wild and almost impossible ideas for the parks, and the blue sky is the only limitation to their imagination. Armchair imagineering refers to thought experiments by theme park fans & enthusiasts where they pretend they were in control of the parks and that money was no object.